
**Louis Bijl de Vroe and Simon Ohler are philosophers and brothers in spirit. We are the founders of Spiritual Mischief, a podcast that combines culture, comedy, and ancient wisdom. In this salon series, we offer you a peek into our studies.**

Based on the eastern philosophy of The Dao, and the book that Dr. Jaap Voigt wrote on the topic, we show you how to synchronize your life and your work with the flow of the seasons, and find your balance and unlock your natural creativity.

Our (western) society has created a rhythm that is based on the idea that it should always be spring or summer. This doctrine of unending growth has many detrimental effects. In our culture, stillness has been eliminated and we’ve become burnt-out.

Nature teaches us that after every period of growth, a time of rest and stillness is necessary. After summer, fall and winter come, for good reason! After every breath in, the out-breath is one of relaxation and in this stillness, we build up new energy. After winter, must come spring.

Since we as humans are a part of nature, we are also part of the seasons; you could say the seasons live through us. If we let go and allow this to happen, we get the chance to live truthfully, creatively, from the inside out.

The two of us have studied and lived by this consistently for over a year now. We’ve learned a great deal and this has helped us live our lives much more freely, flowy (and flowery!).

Let us show you how to do that.

Every month has its own quality of energy, and in every salon, we will discuss the coming month.

A note to the international community: We are Dutch and German, respectively, and our studies are based on the Northern-European seasons. Our work will resonate with people from all similar climates. If you are from a different climate region in the world, you may also draw from our work, but it might be more informative than experiential for you.

Life and Work in the Rhythm of the Seasons is a monthly series. We want to be of service to you, to regularly get (back) into sync with nature and the energy of the current season every month.