“History repeats itself.” “Life moves in cycles.” “Making ends meet.”

These seem like common adages. What do they mean?

Maybe I can explain. Recently, I’ve been seeing cycles everywhere. No external substances involved!

If life was a game (and it just might be), then it would be a game of drawing circles. Maybe it looks like this:

insert video

The only thing we can really do is draw a small circle. And that is easy: Easy to begin and easy to finish, in a fraction of a second. If we’re smart about our actions, we draw many small circles so they make a larger circle.

For those larger circles to form another magnitudally larger circle, it will be hard to just freehand it. It’s better to outline that ahead of time. I suppose this is what we call planning, structuring, and whatnot.

This way, our actions build on top of each other. To draw a picture, we make many small strokes. And they are all oriented towards that one great thing we have in our mind’s eye. Or maybe towards the outline, we’ve previously jotted on the paper.